When you forgot Windows 7 password or need to hack Windows 7 password, you can perform Windows 7 password recovery reset with the disk and log on your computer again.
Here....,another way to access your computer if you forgot Windows 7 password using Windows password recovery software, which can help you to reset Windows password with a bootable CD/DVD or USB flash drive.

Steps to reset Windows 7 password by creating a bootable

USB flash drive.
Step 1 : Download and instal windows recovery password tools.

Download windows windows recovery password tools and then install.

Step 2: Burn a USB drive or CD/DVD to remove forgotten Windows 7 password

Burn windows recovery password toolls to your USB drive or CD/DVD, After burning, insert the burned USB flash drive or CD/DVD in the computer that you forgot Windows 7 password.

Step 3 : Bios Set to boot

1. Turn on your computer press f2 or Delete to enter BIOS Setup during sturtup screen.
2. Use Arrow key to select Boot tab, then select Hard Disk Drivers and press Enter.

3. Adjust USB to 1st Drive, and press F10 to Save.

Computer will restart automatically, and then you can remove windows 7 password under DOS Oerating.

Note : Key to enter BIOS setup depends the manufacture,but in most cases it's F@ or Delete

Step 4 :Remove or Hack Windows 7 Password

1. Chose instalation path of windows, enter the ID of path. All user names will be displayed for you.

2. Select USER NAME you want to remove windows 7 PASSWORD by entering the ID username, Entery to Confirm andcontinue

3. After Remveing Windows 7 password for the selected user name, entry Y to continue reset windows 7 password with other user name or press N to restart computer and log on without password.

important note : when you press N to restart computer,take the USB flash drive out of computer
After you following steps above, you alredy hack or reset windows 7 password. This post only help you when you forgot window 7 password.
you can also use this trick to reset window xp, windows vista,
Not recomended use to hack windows password
peace out yeaouwwww......

Click Here to download Windows Password Recovery Tool bootable CD crack

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