on 3:49 PM

Before you get excited, the Google G0 isn't a real Android phone. It's not coming out anytime soon and heck, it'll probably never be built. But boy is it one sexy device.

Android phones aren't exactly abundant in the market just yet in terms of types and models, but there is always room for one more concept. This time round Taiwanese designer Tryi Yeh has come up with the G0 Android-powered slider that comes with an integrated camera, multi-function buttons alongside an overall sexy look.

It has some pretty interesting features. Though it's billed as a slider-type device, the slide function only reveals a camera on one end and four customizable multi-functional buttons on the face--a pretty neat idea. Also drool worthy: the end-to-end touchscreen.

The G0 is an Android phone that comes with a touchscreen and a slide-out camera. There’s no slide-out QWERTY keyboard but there’s a camera instead accompanied by four customizable keys. The G0 also comes with an interesting inductive charger and a media hookup.

It’s just a concept

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